Set-ADUser Cmdlet for Modifying Active Directory User Properties

Table Of Contents Users’ Attributes Management with ADUC Set-ADUser Cmdlet Set-ADUser Parameters Set-ADUser Examples Change the Office and State AD Attributes Change the Title Attribute Set the Manager Property Set Properties with “Set-ADUser Replace” Replace Multiple Attributes Update Attributes for Multiple Users Update Multiple Attributes for Users from a CSV Use Alternate Credentials Clear an…

Get ADUser Not Recognized in PowerShell

Table of Contents Error: Term ‘Get-ADUser’ is not Recognized Pre-Requisites: (Avoiding Error) Installing PowerShell on Windows 10 Installing PowerShell on Windows Server Importing Active Directory PowerShell Module Error: Get-ADUser Not Recognized Before you start to use Get-ADUser for Active Directory User Management, you need to first verify that you have all the pre-requisites installed otherwise…

User Management via Get-ADUser Cmdlet in Powershell

User Management via Get-ADUser Cmdlet The Get-AdUser command-let in PowerShell provides many parameters to find domain users. You can use the Identity parameters to look up the user name, provided you are already aware of it. Get-ADUser cmdlet is concerned with getting a specified user object or performing a search query to get multiple users.…

Distribution Groups Management via Set-DistributionGroup

Active Directory Distribution Group A Distribution Group is a mail-enabled active directory group, that functions to send a message delivered to that group to multiple recipients’ inboxes who are a member of that group. We can manage some of the properties/permissions of distribution groups within Active Directory or using the Exchange Administration Center (Formerly Exchange…

project database

PowerShell and Active Directory

In each of my YouTube chalk-talks where I have created dynamic Active Directory groups, I paused to admire the section where GroupID provides the specific PowerShell command that would create that group in Active Directory.  It is an excellent feature that allows our customers to script some of these commands into existing processes.  The word…