project database

The Best Active Directory Password

We recently received a support email about how Password Center handles a 72 character Active Directory password.  I read it in disbelief.  Seventy-two characters?  That’s the alphabet 2, almost 3, times over.  How does anyone remember a 72 character password? Turns out, pretty darned easily.  Because the best Active Directory password isn’t a word at all…it’s a…

project database

Managing a Franchise’s Active Directory

As a franchisor, one of the biggest issues is controlling access to systems required by your franchisees.  It’s easy to control using Active Directory but it’s hard to get your franchisee employees into Active Directory. Think about it, you have 300 franchisees, each with 20 employees needing varied levels of access to the milkshake recipe wiki. …

project database

Navigating the Cloud with Active Directory

There has been a lot of talk among our customers and prospects about the new world that is cloud computing and how Active Directory fits into it.  When I think about navigating clouds, I can’t help but think about my friends and family (and Imanami’s CEO) who are pilots.  Talk to any pilot about flying…

project database

Active Directory History’s Uses for End-Users

One of the great features of GroupID 6 is Active Directory history.  It’s not exactly auditing, it’s a bit more useful than that; history allows administrators and users to easily see changes to the AD objects that they care about. For administrators, the use cases are simple.  You come into the office and the help…

project database

Extranet Users Always Forget Their Active Directory Passwords

You think you have it bad with your internal users forgetting their Active Directory passwords?  Harumph.  That’s nothing compared to your legions of external users who only log in occasionally.  You are going to get a ton of calls if you don’t have a selfservice password reset solution for them. The issue?  We are seeing…

project database

The Angry Birds of Active Directory

While deleting the hundreds of photos my 5 year old takes on my phone every week, I came across this photo of his Angry Bird stuffed animal.  And it occurred to me that Angry Birds is what made my phone useful for him. Not the stuffed animal, but the game. Since I was sitting at…

project database

Using Active Directory Groups with Google Apps

So, you’re moving to Google Apps and all the goodness that it offers.  You’ve seen the light (through the cloud) and are ready to embrace it.  Up until this day, you have been a loyal Microsoft shop and have most of your infrastructure tied up in it.  Most notably, Active Directory. You use Active Directory…

project database

How to Help a User Unlock their Active Directory Account

It’s always a pain; you’ve been away on vacation and vaguely remember your Active Directory password.  You try $p!d3rm@N, then $pId3rM@n, then $P1derMAN, and then you remember, of course, it’s $0oP3rmAn.  But by then it’s too late.  Your Active Directory account is locked (l0ck3d). In the old days, you would grab the sports section and…

project database

How to Recover Active Directory Group Membership

We get a lot of searches for “recover Active Directory group membership”, mainly for this post on restoring group membership with dynamic groups.  Imanami’s products don’t actually recover Active Directory group membership once they’ve been deleted but we do something that I find slightly more interesting in that context. If you think about one reason…

project database

How to Get Users to Enroll in Self-Service Password Reset

We can all agree that a self service password reset solution saves the company money: fewer help desk calls, less productivity lost and most importantly fewer help desk calls.  That’s the holy grail of IT: help your users without them picking up the phone. But how do you get users to actually enroll and use…