active directory group types

Types of Active Directory Groups & Scopes

What are Active Directory Groups? Active Directory groups are methods for collecting users, contacts, computers, and even other groups’ objects within Active Directory so that you can manage the objects in the group as a single unit. Objects in Active Directory Groups Objects that belong to a particular group are referred to as group members.…

data security and governance

3 Steps to Gaining Control and Governance over Permissions

For most organizations, the evolution of their environment is focused on addition. Such as adding new servers, applications, connections, cloud resources, and directory services. The same scenario applies to your organization. With each part of this growth comes an equally growing number of permission assignments. These permissions make up your current state of security. But we all know, once a permission assignment is made, it is usually never thought of again.  But now, among the…

remote teams

How To Work Effectively With A Remote Team, The Right Way

The sudden change in global affairs has likely created new challenges for you and your team, making it hard to keep up with what matters most to your business — your customers and employees.   With many people forced into shelter-in-place by the current situation, the question of how to survive this pandemic has suddenly morphed to how to work effectively with a remote…


Managing LDAP groups in the Enterprise

Managing LDAP groups in the Enterprise Today’s enterprise-sized businesses have moved beyond the single on-premises directory. The need to leverage platforms and applications that reside outside the four proverbal walls of the organization have resulted in an uptick in the use of 3rd party LDAP directories within these environment, whether hosted on-prem, in a corporate…

Google Workspace management

Managing Google Workspace Groups in the Enterprise

At the core of every environment that is designed to make people productive is the need “under the hood” to be able to establish what users of that environment can do, what they can access, and – in many cases, how they can easily communicate with other users. The long-standing methodology (with a few exceptions…

Dynamic Group Management

Managing Group Memberships Dynamically

Because organizations like yours depend on distribution lists and security groups to do their jobs every day, inaccuracies in these lists or groups can have a significant adverse impact. For example, a single employee who’s missing from a distribution group could cause that person to miss the registration deadlines  for health insurance. Or a security…

project database

Active Directory Case Study – Self-Service & Automation

This is one of my favorite case studies because it solves two common problems, keeping both IT and end users productive.  Managing Active Directory can take up a lot of IT’s time, making sure that users and groups are accurate and useful.  And when IT’s manual processes miss something, end users’ productivity goes down. “With nearly…

project database

How to Expire and Renew Active Directory Groups

An Active Directory group should only live as long as it is useful to your business.  But without any native tools to expire and renew Active Directory groups, administrators turn to the time-honored, “delete it and see who complains” technique.  The problem is, then you have to re-create that group, its members and permissions if…